About Me

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Hello, world! My name is Melissa, and I’m currently sitting in my bedroom and typing this blog post without much direction, but I do know that I want to introduce myself a little. Here are some facts about me!

  1. I am eighteen years old, and my birthday is November 1.
  2. I am from Foshan, Guangdong, China, but I was adopted and came to the U.S. at nine months old.
  3. I am going to be a freshman at Indiana University Bloomington in the fall. I plan to major in Media and minor in Business, but who knows what could happen???
  4. I love dogs, especially collies, samoyeds, German shepherds, pugs, corgis, huskies…okay, pretty much any type of dog.
  5. Two summers ago, I thought I’d try YouTube. I have like four videos, but only one of them is any good. That proved to be quite a challenge when the only equipment I had was an iPhone 6 and the iMovie app. This summer, I am trying this whole blog thing out. I hope I can keep this up, lol.
  6. I like to think I’m outgoing and adventurous, but I find myself taking naps and laying in bed watching Food Network or HGTV quite often.
  7. My favorite colors are orange and lavender.
  8. I’m extremely honest. I want to be as genuine as possible, and I think this blog is a good starting platform to do so.
  9. When I actually have somewhere to go, I love doing my makeup. I’m no expert or artist, but I’d say that I’m decently talented for an average person.

Hopefully, you’re still reading this after that list of facts. I probably didn’t cover everything, so you’ll probably learn more and more about me as I post more often! The last thing I wanted to mention on this post was the type of content I plan on publishing. The answer, friends of the Internet, is a common answer to many questions I get asked… I am not completely sure! I’m interested in a variety of topics, though. I do enjoy fashion and beauty, but I expect to do more posts on my experiences and opinions.

I’m not exactly sure where I want this blog to go, but I love writing about relationships, college/school, and any type of advice. I’m also into fashion and makeup, so maybe that could pop up on here as well! I might get a bit political, too.

If any of these topics sound interesting to you, please follow me! I can’t wait to start writing. I also can’t wait to know how to work this website…

xo, Mel Lemon